Divine Appointments!

finances miracles prophetic insight relationships spiritual growth Mar 28, 2016

“Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.” -1 Chronicles 12:32

The Spirit of the Lord keeps speaking to me about the divine appointments that will be taking place. God is getting ready to set you up for success. It is a time where suddenly divine connections will release the momentum you need to advance to your next level. God is calling us to forget the former things… and to keep our eyes ahead on what is coming. He is moving upon people’s hearts now.

God is about to send people with miracle money to fund your dream!

God is sending those who are prepared to take the next step in the development of their callings, ministries, and business ventures. Not everyone will advance. Some people have failed to step out by faith. Some people have settled for the ordinary and for normalcy. However, in the month of May God will release grace again for second chances. So much grace will be poured out in the month of May.

You will bloom in this season says the Lord!

The next 40 days are a period where you must prepare for where you are going and what you are about to receive from the Lord. Many have asked for a breakthrough. Prepare for your breakthrough. Write down your vision. Write down the plan. Make it plain. If you can be faithful now even though you may not see the manifestation of it yet… you will be faithful when all the blessings show up. Let God perfect His perfect work on the inside of you. God is developing your character. He is strengthening you and preparing you for where you are going. Prosperity doesn’t just happen. It is having more than enough to fulfill the assignment God has called you to.

There are no get rich quick schemes in the Kingdom of God.

However, when you sow you will reap if you faint not. Step out by faith today. Don’t be afraid to engage in conversations with strangers. Don’t be afraid to share what the Lord places on your heart. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit within you and you will find yourself succeeding. 


In His love,

Rene Picota

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Build Your Dream Course Fast Track Your Success By Building Your Dream!

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