Prophetic Word for 2024!

Nov 30, 2023

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "In 2024, we stand on the brink of a new era of fulfillment and restoration." God is filling you with what is about to unfold in your life. 2024 is a year of divine intervention and breakthrough. There is an urgency and expectancy in the realm of the Spirit for us to prepare our hearts for the unprecedented move of God that awaits us in 2024...

In a vision, I saw the Greek word “sozo” spinning in the heavens. The letters were gold and iced with diamonds, surrounded by a celestial canvas painted in hues of deep indigo and violet. The diamonds twinkled like precious jewels, casting a gentle glow upon the ethereal scene, adding an otherworldly charm to the celestial expanse. The air was filled with a serene melody of worship as if the very cosmos was singing in harmonious resonance with the spinning word. 

Sozo encompasses salvation that goes beyond mere forgiveness of sins. Sozo speaks of deliverance, healing, preservation, and wholeness. It signifies complete restoration in every aspect of our lives—spirit, soul, and body. The Lord whispered into my ears, “As you step into 2024, you can expect nothing less than the fullness of sozo to manifest in your lives.”

God is laying an unshakable foundation through His Word as we anticipate the promises of 2024. Romans 8:19 so powerfully declares that creation eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons of God. This speaks to a time when believers will walk in their full identity and authority, bringing transformation and restoration to the world around them. Isaiah 43:19 declares that God is doing a new thing; He is making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. This prophetic promise activates the unfolding new beginnings and supernatural provision in 2024.

The time has come for a supernatural outpouring of financial breakthroughs, increase, and abundance upon the generous souls who have sown into the Kingdom of God. “As you invest in the Kingdom of God, so shall the Kingdom of God invest in you.” Your generosity will unlock the floodgates of heaven. Prepare to witness the manifestation of increased finances, raises, better jobs, deposits, bonuses, and miracle money. The seeds you have sown and will sow for 2024 in faith will yield a bountiful harvest beyond your wildest dreams. Your obedience and sacrificial giving will position you for divine favor and unprecedented prosperity. Get ready to experience a season of overflow and supernatural provision in 2024 as you continue investing in God's Kingdom. Your faithfulness will be rewarded with an abundance that knows no bounds. 

As we enter 2024 with unwavering faith, let us prophetically declare that this is truly our year. According to the promises in scripture and the prophetic utterances concerning this season, nothing will be missing, lacking, or broken in our lives.

Prophetic Declaration 

We are stepping into an unprecedented outpouring of God’s goodness and grace. I know you can feel that blessed prophetic anointing as you read this. Move in faith with a supernatural seed of $24, $100.24, $240, $2,400, $24,000 or your best seed ending in 24 for 2024 and for the Gospel! I prophesy over you that that the windows of heaven are open over your life. God is pouring out blessings that cannot be contained. Your generosity has captured the attention of heaven, and now, angelic assistance is being dispatched to ensure that every seed sown yields a harvest beyond measure. Your faithfulness in giving has activated a divine economy where supernatural provision meets every need and fulfills every desire. Get ready to walk in a level of abundance that testifies to the faithfulness and goodness of our God. 


In His love,

Rene Picota

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