Prophetic Word for June 2020

prophetic relationships rene picota May 23, 2020

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "Don't settle for the counterfeit! I have the authentic for you if you just wait for the right season. Don't rush the process. Don't rush what I am doing in you. I am preparing you for what I will do in the earth. I am calling you to Myself. I long to reveal to you the secrets of my heart and show you the deep mysteries of My glory realm where miracles take place!" 

I see the hand of God moving upon relationships. There are many who are unequally yoked and in this season there will be a falling away. I am exposing things. I will expose motives, secrets, betrayals, lies, and I will put My Spirit of Truth in you and it will bring clarity and answers concerning the questions you have asked Me. I will remove the fear and a righteous anger will arise and you will set yourself free once and for all!" I see abusive relationships ending. I see you breaking free from controlling spirits and manipulation. I see the Jezebel spirit being cast out! We repent Lord Jesus for allowing the spirit of Jezebel running rampart in our homes and in our churches. 

I see the hand of the Lord reconciling family relationships. Where there has been no communication there will be communication. There will be tears of join and unity in homes and in hearts. "I will bring families together that were once broken says the Lord. The prodigals will come home." It's time for the millennials to come home. I see new churches arising for young families. I also hear "Leave dead churches!" Some churches will close their doors. "I am doing a new thing says the Lord."

"There is a call to true community. Where there will be true friendships and authentic bonds forged in the fire of My presence. I am calling you to love one another and carry each others burdens." We must learn how to love. We must learn to sacrifice and to restore the broken and the fallen and bring them back into the fold. I see the hand of God filling hearts with compassion and removing judgments from leaders set in their ways. 

Finances are on their way! I see deposits, checks in the mail, unexpected blessings, gifts, debts paid! There is an angel called "Paid in Full" and it is being dispatched to those who would believe and receive the ministry of the angel of the Lord. We don't worship angels. We only worship Jesus Christ. He is the only way, truth and life. 

I see many joining the Harvest Lifestyle. I see the Lord raising up a remnant of people who understand God's ways and God's seasons. I see those who are obedient and they sow when God says. The reap a harvest that is unprecedented. They lack nothing. 

"For I am Jehovah Jireh your provider. I will meet all your needs according to My riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I give seed to the sower and principles throughout My Word to deliver you from poverty. I prosper My servants and display My goodness and glory and heal all those who need a touch from Me says the Lord.  I am the Lord your God and I watch over this Word and it will surely come to pass." 

In His love, 

Rene Picota

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