Prophetic Word for December 2021!

anointing breakthrough healing power prophecy prophetic Nov 21, 2021

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying for the month of December, “I am doing something new in your life. You are about to transition into a year that will transform your life. I am releasing an explosion of My power upon you now. My glory is with you, and it surrounds you in this moment. I am going to prove My power to the nations, and it will even be broadcasted on national TV. I am bringing a demonstration of My Kingdom and the world will see that I am God.”

“I have prepared you for such a time as this. You have been on this journey, and you may feel tired and like giving up. The cares of this world are heavy.  But lay your burdens down at the foot of the cross. Rest in My presence. Let go of the things that have entangled you. Let go of certain mindsets. Let go of the offenses and the pain they have caused you. I long to do a miracle in your heart and it will be like it never happened to you because I will do it supernaturally. Accelerated healing is yours. You will hear stories in the coming days of miracles and healings. They will become common but not just in the church services but also in the marketplace. I have sons and daughters who I have been preparing and now is the time that I raise them up and give them the influence to do My will.” 

“Salvation is coming to America and to the world. I am mighty to save. Because of My power entire families will come into the Kingdom and be born again. My hand is coming upon the agriculture in America, and I will bless the food and many nations will be satisfied with the fruit of the land because America belongs to Me says the Lord. The ground is fertile, and it will yield the harvest. I am releasing a new anointing and as a sign you will see that suddenly the gas prices will begin to drop again at record lows. This will be a sign to you that this word is from Me.”

“Shocking news will be spread across social media and the television networks concerning a political change that will set the stage for the leaders I have called to take their rightful place. I am shifting and I am shaking, and I am exposing things. Yes, even in the White House and in the House of Representatives.”

“Major financial blessings are coming in 2022. I am moving upon the crypto currencies. I will raise up multi-millionaires overnight. I will speak to you and show you where to invest and when you are to sell. Be led by Me and I will make you wealthy. I will fund the Kingdom of God through those who have their finances in order.” I don’t know who this word is for, but the Lord says, “You will be able to buy Christmas presents for your children this year! I am Your Provider, and this will be a Christmas to remember!” Families will come together in My glory and healing and reconciliation will flow. Those who have no family will be taken in by families. I am already impressing upon hearts to make room at your table for those who don’t have enough.”

“Trust in Me as your Christmas miracle unfolds before your eyes. I will do it for you because it is your time. It is your season. Let faith arise in your heart because I will not disappoint you. I work all things for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose. I can still do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask, think, or imagine. Trust in My faithfulness in your life. Believe with all your heart and expect miracles because you are a miracle in the making yourself.” 

In His love,

Rene Picota

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