The Courts Of Heaven

prophetic insight spiritual growth Aug 18, 2017

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that the Courts of Heaven are waiting for your petitions.  It is time to bring your case before the Lord. Do not ask according to your needs. Ask according to My purposes. For I am looking for those who desire My will and My Kingdom. I am looking for those who will fulfill their destiny because it is what I have ordained before the foundations of the earth. 

In this season I am restoring the apostolic in My church.

It is time to pray apostolic prayers. I am raising up a remnant of apostles who are not concerned with titles or fame but rather their hearts burn for My presence and My desires. I desire the nations to know Me and I must have a people who will move in My power. They must know My ways and know how to operate in the new dimensions of My glory that I am bringing them into.

I have a covenant with My people. I will honor My promises with them. I have a covenant with My name. My name is a seal for you to execute what I have ordered! I have a covenant with My Word. I will not violate it. I will honor My purposes. I am looking for those who know how to approach Me with humility, honor, and brokenness. I am unlocking My plans in your life as you pursue My presence. I am releasing passion for worship and for My presence. Ask Me for My heart and I will fill you afresh with My Spirit. As you worship Me with all your heart the seed of your purpose will been birthed.

As you choose to serve Me you choose My perfect will for your life.

Begin to ask Me for My purposes and your needs will be met accordingly. Because your heart burns for My presence you will never lack anything good! Supernatural provision is coming concerning the purpose I have for your ministry. Even as you pray I am releasing order in the midst of chaos. I am releasing My fire and it is consuming the things in your life that don’t please Me. My fire is refining you and causing the things that aren’t important anymore to fade from your life. All of a sudden your appetite for the things of this world will not be present. Instead, you will have an insatiable desire to worship Me. I am revealing to you My power and My holiness. For only I am worthy of your worship, honor, and glory! Fear the Lord for He is the Creator of all things!

I am Your Righteous Judge and the whole earth trembles before Me!

Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. -Philippians 2:9-11

In His love,

Rene Picota

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