A Supernatural Grace For Future Millionaires

Nov 06, 2023

As I was praying today the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me concerning a supernatural grace coming upon the body of Christ to become millionaires. He spoke to me specifically with the following words:

"I have seen the desires of your heart, and I am ready to release a supernatural grace to raise up millionaires. It is a grace that will not only transform your life but also empower you to be an instruments of change in the lives of others. 

In your hands, lies the power to impact nations, to bring hope to the hopeless, and to transform lives. By embracing this call to generosity, you will witness a ripple effect of blessing that will touch countless souls. Your act of faith will not only change the lives of those you bless, but it will also change your own heart, filling it with joy, purpose, and an eternal legacy."

May your hearts be stirred with compassion, your spirits ignited with faith, and your lives marked by extravagant generosity. Together, let us build a world where the power of wealth is harnessed for the greater good. Let us create a legacy of love that will impact generations to come.

For the Lord says, "I am with you, guiding you, and empowering you every step of the way. Embrace this grace, sow your seed in faith, and watch as the year of 2024 unfolds with miracles and blessings beyond your wildest imaginations."

I invite you to step into a new season of abundance. Embrace this prophetic call with open hearts and open hands.

"Allow the grace I am releasing upon you to flow freely, knowing that as you give, you will receive in overflowing measure. Let hope arise within you, for 2024 will be a year of breakthrough, fulfillment, and unprecedented blessings.''

Prophetic Declaration

What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel that blessed anointing as you read this.  "I am calling upon future millionaires to embrace the power of generosity. Suddenly you will find yourself where I want you and increase will come. You will never be the same."

God says, "I am stirring your hearts to sow a seed of faith, to sow a seed of $1,000. This act of faith will unlock a divine flow of blessings and favor that will surpass anything you have experienced before. Your act of generosity will not only bless your own life, but it will be a catalyst for transformation in the lives of many. 

You may wonder why I specifically ask for a seed of $1,000. It is not about the amount itself, but rather about the faith and trust you demonstrate in Me. It is a symbolic seed that represents your willingness to believe in the abundance I have prepared for you. Just as a tiny seed has the potential to grow into a mighty tree, your act of faith will bear fruit beyond your wildest dreams."

Others can sow other amounts. Whatever the Spirit is speaking to you to do, move in faith right now while this supernatural grace for millions is flowing so strong...



In His love,

Rene Picota

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