Prophetic Word for December 2022
Nov 20, 2022"Then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." -Deuteronomy 6:12
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "December will be a month to remember. Remember what I have done in your life. Remember when I first touched you with My fire. Look at how far you have come! I have delivered you from so many things and brought you to a new place and a new season. Things are changing again. Get ready to experience the supernatural ease that comes from My glory. Things will suddenly fall into place. The finances will suddenly arrive. What was difficult will become easy. What looked like it wouldn't manifest will suddenly manifest. You will get your Christmas miracle and finish the year strong!"
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." -Acts 2:1-4
"I am blowing upon the embers in your heart and igniting fresh passion for your Kingdom assignment. My fire purifies. That's why you had to let some people, some places, and some plans go. I am preparing you for what I long to accomplish in and through you."
"I am releasing a fire anointing upon you today! My fire anointing is holy. It purifies. It refines. It brings the impurities to the surface. Once you have been through the fire I can use you mightily for My glory. I require complete and reckless abandonment and total surrender. Are you willing to place your will and plans on the altar? Receive My fire on your life as you become a living altar for Me to consume." Even as you are reading this, the fire of God is coming upon you. It's coming upon your hands and your head. Some can feel it burning deep in their belly. God is releasing it upon you right now in Jesus name!
"Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees." -Hebrews 12:12
"When you feel the weakest I am being the strongest for you. I am strengthening your body and healing you. I am strengthening your spirit and bringing tranquility and peace to your mind. Always remember that you are strong in Me. You are mighty in Me. The secret is in the abiding. As you abide in Me you will be fruitful and prosperous in every area of your life. You can do all things through Me" says the Lord." Someone reading this feels fire all over your body. God is removing the cancer. When you go back to the doctor they won't find a trace of it because today the Kingdom of Heaven has come near you!
Prophetic Declaration
What a powerful prophetic word for December 2022. The fire of God is so strong. The anointing is flowing and under this prophetic unction move in faith with a supernatural seed of $120, $20.12, $1,200, $12,000 or your best seed ending in 12 for December and for the Gospel. As you release your seed, the Lord will release a mighty harvest to you that changes everything. 2023 has some amazing things waiting for us! Your seed today determines your harvest so I would sow right now and wrap your faith around your seed as you do. Don't delay!
In His love,
Rene Picota