Prophetic Word for September 2023!

Aug 28, 2023

As we know, just like the seasons change in the natural, they also change in our life. What God called you to 10 years ago isn’t the same as what you’re called to today.

God has been making it really clear to me that the seasons are changing right now for many believers, and that we will need to change with that season. Our methods will need to change, our approach will need to change, and our tools will need to change as well.

In the summer, I use a certain set of tools in my yard. I use a sprinkler, weed eater, lawn mower, and hedge trimmers. In the fall I use a rake for the leaves that fall. In the spring I use my gardening gloves, shovels, and pruners. In the winter, I use a snow shovel. The tools that I use in the summer won’t work for the winter. The sprinkler would freeze up, and the ground is frozen so I don’t need to mow. Likewise, the tools I use in the winter would be useless in the summer.

Sometimes we’re aware that the spiritual seasons in our life our changing, and it simply doesn’t occur to us that our methods, tools, and way of doing things will change as well. Sometimes we realize that a drastic change is coming, but we resist all the other change that comes with it because we’re just used to doing things a certain way.

But when a season changes, and we’re still using the tools and methods from a former season, we will feel frustrated. Things won’t work like they used to when we’re still trying to force everything to flow like it did in the former season.

Heads up! Your spiritual seasons are changing!

Don’t hang onto old ways just because they’re familiar.

Assess your life! Invite Holy Spirit to show you what needs to change along with the seasons. 

Prophetic Declaration

Has this prophetic word blessed you? I invite you to put your faith into action and sow a generous seed for the month of September. Maybe you can sow a seed of $99 or $900, or $49, $9,999. The amount is between you and the Lord,. There is so much power is partnership. As you sow, you are coming into alignment with this prophetic word. This act of obedience will position you to receive all the blessings associated with what God wants to release in your life. Whenever we talk about sowing a seed, it's because God has a harvest on His mind. He will surely release the harvest without delay because of your obedience, sacrifice, and generosity. Thank you for helping us grow as a ministry, and sustain what the Lord is doing,  and magnify the name of Jesus Christ in all the earth! Use the links below to pick a sowing option what works best for you. 


In His love, 

Amber Picota

Click here to sow with your credit card on Donor Box.

Click here to sow with Cash App: $Empowerforlife