The Sound Of Awakening!

2024 awakening breakhrough new beginning new season prophecy rene picota renewal revival Sep 16, 2023

As the Jewish New Year dawns upon us, the sacred season of Rosh Hashanah beckons believers from all walks of life to embark on a journey of spiritual awakening.

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “It is time dive deep into the depths of the Jewish New Year and its transformative power. I am releasing a fresh fire upon your lives that will ignite the flames of revival within your souls.”

In a vision I had today, I saw myself in a stadium. I was blowing a shofar. As the shofar resounded, echoing through the hearts of all who gathered, a deep longing for a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit erupted in the hearts of those who were there. Rosh Hashanah prophetically symbolizes a fresh beginning, an opportunity to introspect, repent, and return to the arms of our loving Heavenly Father. God is saying, “Like a spiritual alarm clock, I am awakening your souls from the slumber of complacency and drawing you into a season of seeking My face with a renewed passion. I am calling you to return to Me.”

“I am heightening your spiritual senses. I am unveiling prophetic visions and insights, so that you can discern the divine purposes that I have ordained for the coming year. I am calling you to embrace your prophetic voice. Eagerly anticipate the revelation of God's plans and purposes for your lives and the church.”

God is inviting us into a consecrated lifestyle of prayer, fasting, and intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He is positioning us to receive divine downloads and prophetic utterances that guide our every step.

Rosh Hashanah holds within it the seeds of revival and restoration. Just as the Israelites experienced the miraculous deliverance from Egypt during the Passover season, Rosh Hashanah marks a time of supernatural intervention in our lives. God says, “This is a a season where I will breathe fresh life into your dry bones. I am rekindling the flame of passion for My presence and awakening a hunger for more of Me.”

Rosh Hashanah serves as a catalyst for believers to embrace their prophetic callings. God says, “It is a time to step out boldly, proclaiming the Word of God with authority and conviction. It’s time to cultivate a prophetic culture within the church, where the gifts of the Spirit flow freely. I am calling you to encouraging one another and build each other up. I invite you to embrace the call to spiritual awakening and prophetic revelation. As you draw near to Me, seeking My face with humility and expectancy, I will position you for revival and restoration.”

Let us heed the sound of the shofar, the divine wake-up call, and embark on this transformative journey of spiritual growth, knowing that our Heavenly Father awaits us with open arms, ready to pour out His blessings and reveal His plans for the year ahead.

Prophetic Declaration

What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel that blessed anointing burning within your soul as you read this. The scripture the Lord gave me for Rosh Hashanah is Psalm 57:8: “Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn.” Make a prophetic declaration investing supernaturally into what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking today. Move in faith with a seed of $57.84, $578, $5,784 or your best seed ending in 5784 for the Gospel, 5784, the new year and for Psalm 57.8. As you sow, I declare and decree over you a 100 fold harvest in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Receive financial breakthrough, divine favor, and heavenly opportunities because of your divine connection to this ministry. I would do it now while the prophetic anointing is feeding your spirit and as a sign that you receive this powerful prophetic word. Don't let the devil talk you out of your harvest. Thank you partners and friends for your generosity. It's what allows us to continue to advance the Gospel and spread God's prophetic word all around the world! 


In His love, 

Rene Picota

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