An Angel At The Door Of Your House!

angels miracles prophetic insight spiritual growth Mar 06, 2019

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that your drought is ending!

It is time to pull your tomorrow into your today. Your future is becoming your now. There is a breakthrough taking place as you read this prophetic word. I see an assembly of angels being dispatched with your miracle.

Begin to receive it in the name of Jesus!

He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. -John 21:6

What was stuck is no longer stuck! Things are shifting swiftly over you! Even the angel Swift has been dispatched to bring your breakthrough wherever you are! It didn’t work one way but as you try things a different way as the Spirit leads you, you will see tremendous fruit.

The angels of God are gathering over you and they are over your house, your family, your bank, your accounts, and your finances. They are standing at the door of your house!

The Spirit of the Lord is reminding you of the dreams and the calling of the Lord on your life. He is stirring you deeply. He is removing the chains of anxiety, depression, fear, and shame from your life. You are good enough! You are a child of the Most High God. Deliverance is taking place as you read this prophetic word in the name of Jesus! Do you receive it?

He is even anointing you afresh to get access without permission from man into new levels of His prosperity and financial blessings that you never knew existed.


In His Love,
Rene Picota

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