How To Know If You’re In God’s Will
Mar 16, 2019There are so many people out there who have a desire to obey God, they hear a call from God, but then when they step out to obey, it seems like all hell breaks loose and then they’re like… “Did I miss God? Am I out of God’s will?”
You cannot use how well/bad things are going in your life be your determining factor for whether or not you heard God correctly and are in His will. If you do, you’ll be all over the place all the time.
The truth is that sometimes when you’re obeying God, bad things still happen. Sometimes the bad things are just part of life, and God allows us solve the problems so we’re smarter and wiser. Sometimes the bad things are the enemy attacking our calling and trying to cause us to give up. EITHER WAY, God can use problems and cause them to bless you. So it’s a win win, really, when you push through and keep on doing what God called you to do.
So how do you know if you’re in God’s will? Intimacy and communication. Seriously, when you hear that God said something, once you step out to do that thing it’s only natural to doubt once opposition comes. Never doubt in the battle what you knew during preparation. Your orders didn’t change… things just got real. Just lock eyes with Jesus and keep moving forward.
Just because something is God’s will doesn’t mean it will come easily. Resolve in your mind to never give up and that no matter what happens, God will turn it around for good.
I remember about a year after I fell in love with Jesus, I met and then fell in love with this other wild guy named Rene Picota.
Nothing about the beginning of our relationship was conventional or logical. We met online at a time when it was still considered highly sketch. In fact for a long time my grandmother still referred to him as “that guy Amber met on the internet”, but I was in love and the rest is history.
At one point Rene invited me to go on a mission trip with him to serve as a cook. He had been serving as a translator and this way I would go on the trip and get to help others (also we were *dying* to see one another again). I felt Holy Spirit say yes that I was supposed to go, but I didn’t really make enough money at the time to just take off work for two weeks and buy a plane ticket to Arizona. I came up with a plan to fundraise for part of it and as everything seemed to go wrong I wondered “Was this really God’s will?” When I say things went wrong, I mean ERRRYTHANG went wrong.
I did manage to come up with the money I needed to go, but this was my first time to fly anywhere and my first time out of the state without my parents. Y’all I was a hot mess.
Here are a short list of the things that went wrong:
didn’t have the money to go to begin with
the fundraising didn’t go smoothly at all
people criticized me and said I was out of the will of God (I had only been in a relationship with Jesus for a year so what did I know!)
I overpacked my suitcase by like 20lbs, resulting in me having to throw away my personal belongings in the airport because I couldn’t afford the overage fees.
flight delayed
missed connecting flight
And. So. Much. More
But the fact remains that I did originally hear Holy Spirit correctly. I just let my circumstances rise up doubt within me because of the false belief that things would go smoothly as long as you’re in God’s will.
Just because something is God’s will doesn’t mean it will be easy or that things will just click into place. In fact, many times the problems we face are actually training for what’s down the road. Imagine if I never let my kids make mistakes? Well they would never learn. In fact, how does a baby learn to walk? They have to fall on their bottom many times before they walk well. If I swoop in to save the day every single time, they don’t become responsible, and they don’t gain any confidence.
Because of all the stupid mistakes I made on that mission trip, I’m a wiz in the airport now and LOVE to travel. I have some great travel hacks, and thoroughly enjoy my time in airports. All because I learned and grew from my mistakes.
I believe God never leaves us during problems. I believe He’s right there whispering, “Cmon you’ve got this. I’m right here. Use My strength. Lean into my power. Tap into your inner brilliance and solve this problem. I know you can.”
So I don’t know who this is for today, but don’t doubt your calling just because things got hard. Don’t doubt what you knew God had said.
Press on. ♥️
Be blissed,
Amber Picota
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