Prophetic Word for January 2021
Dec 19, 2020I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "January is a month of multiplication. I am pouring out My multiplication anointing. Whatever you lay your hands on will be blessed. Whatever you speak will have more authority and it will be fruitful. Whatever you ask for in faith believing you will receive it. I am going to grow things quickly. You will see me move with many miracles. I will do it for My glory. I am anointing My body with fresh oil and you will never be the same."
"I will move upon marriages. I am restoring and opening up the communication lines. I am giving you My love for each other. I am giving you new hearts. I will heal you like you were never hurt. I am removing the fear. You will be able to trust again. I am erasing the pain of the betrayals. I am bringing My truth where there has been lies. I will hold you close as you hold each other. As you receive My love, you will have a greater love for each other. My anointing is bonding you together in My glory. I am opening up wombs and untying tubes supernaturally as you read this. In an instant I will do a work in you as you surrender to the power of My love."
"I am moving upon ministries and churches. I am releasing fresh oil. Gather the empty jars and I will pour My fresh oil out. Begin to gather and you will grow. Begin to give away what you have and I will begin to release more and more. Opportunities are coming. Doors are about to open for you. Dreams will finally be built but you must be able to see the vision I have given you. I long to use you My child. It may not look like much, but if you use what you have in your hand right now I will multiply it and I will do exceedingly above anything you could ever ask, think or imagine. My power is at work within you. Begin to build. Step out by faith into the unknown. Begin that adventure with Me and see where I lead and guide you. There is a river flowing mightily. Remove the whatever is preventing the flow and My Spirit will move with great power."
"I am moving upon finances. I am multiplying your money for the Gospel and to build My Kingdom. Do not stop sowing. Do not stop the flow of generosity. Open your hands to those who ask and I will continue to use you as a channel. Every penny is mine to begin with. Never forget that. Never forget that I am your Source. I am your Provider. I am the one who can move in an instant. I am the One who speaks to hearts. I am the one to seals the deal for you. Money will increase. Pay attention to what begins to happen on January 11-21st, 2021. I will release a major financial blessing to you during those days."
"Believe that I will do it because I will. Dream bigger. Don't limit what I long to do. It doesn't matter what others around you think. It doesn't matter what they say. Just believe and watch how the miracles unfold in the coming days" says the Spirit of the Lord.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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