The Mask Is Coming Off!

deliverance prophetic insight spiritual growth Feb 16, 2016

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. – 2 Corinthians 3:17

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that It is time for the mask to come off. I am blowing the trumpet of liberty over you. Things and people that have held you down are falling away in this season. Don’t hold on too tightly to those who have grown close to you. Yes, it was good for a season. Yet you can’t take all those things and all those people with you to where I am calling you. I am causing the sound of deliverance to be heard across the land. You about to experience freedom that you have never had before.

Patterns that have caused delays in your life are being exposed and broken. You have not been satisfied with how things have been lately. Instead of behavior modification God is dealing with the fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of abandonment deep within your heart. I am dealing with the issues that you have kept hidden. The fear has to go in this season. You must stop hiding and hoping that no one sees you for who you really are. It’s time to deal with the person who you look at when you stand in the mirror. I am stripping away the language, the brands, the sarcasm, the persona you are hiding behind so you can be who I created you to be. God can not heal what you continue to hide. It is time to deal with what you are afraid of. I long to bring liberation you. I long to set you free from your insecurities.

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. -Ephesians 1:4-6

I am restoring your identity.  You can stop trying to impress everyone around you. You can stop being fake. The mask has to come off. I am delivering you from your pride. I am dealing with the loneliness in your heart. I am addressing the way you process your thoughts and the issues deep within you. I am speaking to the core of who you are. If you deal with that which is within you I will deal with that around you. You have to be able to live from the place of identity within you. Know who I am. Know who I say you are. Come at peace with yourself so you quit carrying the symptoms of your issues to your next relationship. Let go of the baggage. Lay it down. Become a new creation in Me! I long to bless you as you step out from the shadows. Stop hiding behind religiosity. God knows you feel weak. In your weakness His power is made perfect. Stand before God and face your fears, your failures and your frustrations.

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. -John 1:12

Dear Jesus, thank You for Your love. Thank You for your mercy. Thank you for not leaving me alone. I know I have sinned. I’ve done wrong. I’ve hurt You, I’ve hurt myself, I’ve hurt others. I’m sorry. Forgive me, Jesus. Wash me. Cleanse me and make me new. This day, I give you my life. Come into my heart. Be my Savior. Be my Lord and my very best friend. From this moment forward, I am yours and You are mine. Come live Your life through me. In Your precious name, amen.”

In His love,

Rene Picota

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